
Registration Fee

Conference Registration Registration Fee

MDA Member

RM 650

MDA Member (Group of 5)

RM 600

Non-MDA Member

RM 700

Undergraduate Student

RM 350

Undergraduate Student (Group of 10)

RM 320

International Delegate

USD 200

AFDA Member (Group of 5)

USD 180

International Undergraduate Student

USD 100

  • To extend your membership, please visit the Malaysia Dietitians' Association Membership Portal by clicking here.


  • Conference registrants will have the opportunity to participate in the in-person event, a diverse range of sessions to cater to various interests - from engaging plenary sessions to interactive workshops, informative symposia, and dynamic industry showcases, our program ensures that attendees have access to a variety of valuable learning opportunities.

If you have already registered, click here to sign in.


Group Registration

  • Step 1: Gather a group of 5 Active MDA Member / group of 10 students.
  • Step 2: A representative (leader) send the group registration template to the secretariat (, kindly note that no shared email is allowed, an individual email address is required for each of the member.
  • Step 3: Each of the member will receive an email with UNIQUE link, the link is unique for each member therefore not to be shared
  • Step 4: Member will require to use the link to complete the registration and make the payment to secure the reigistration slot.

If you require additional information regarding Group Registration, please feel free to email to the secretariat -

Payment Methods

Online Payment

Once you have registered online, you may make the payment through our online payment gateway.

ePerolehan (LPO)

  • Step 1: Finance/Representative to download the related documents here.

  • Step 2: Finance/Representative to email to the secretariat at of group registration list.
    *kindly note that NO share email is allowed, an individual email address is required for each of the delegate. 

  • Step 3: Finance/Representative to generate a Simple Quote in the e-Perolehan system for acceptance by Secretariat.

  • Step 4: Upon acceptance, Finance/Representative will need to raise the Request Note followed by a Request prior issuance of Purchase Order .

  • Step 5: Once this steps are completed, Finance/Representative will send Purchase Order via e-Perolehan system for confirmation by Secretariat.

  • Step 6: Finance/Representative is required to provide the attending delegate with a hard copy of the Purchase Order document.

  • Step 7: Delegate should submit copy of Purchase Order to the Secretariat’s Registration Counter for endorsement. Secretariat will do validation and furnish supporting document such as Invoice, Delivery Order, Purchase Order and Bank Header.

  • Step 8: Delegates are required to hand over the endorsed supporting documents to the Finance/Representative to expedite the payment process.

If you require additional information regarding e-Perolehan, please feel free to email to the secretariat -

Registration Policy


  • Cancellation  before / on 1st June 202575%  of the registration fee will be refunded. 
  • Cancellation  after 1st June 2025, no registration fee will be refunded. 
  • Any request for cancellation of registration must be in writing to the conference secretariat at
  • All refunds will be process within one month after the congress.
  • Any bank services charges/ convenience fee/ administration fees/ taxes will be deducted from all congress registration refunds.

Name Change / Substitution

  • All registrations are only valid for the registered person.
  • If a registered delegate unable to attend the Conference may nominate a substitute delegate by notifying in writing to the Conference Secretariat latest by 15th June 2025 with complete information as required in the online registration form.
  • Any request for name change of registration must be in writing to the conference secretariat at


  • The Committee reserves the right to change the date(s) or speaker(s), if deem fit, without prior notice.
  • The Committee further reserves the right to cancel/pospone the event without liability other than return of the course fee.
  • The organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of substitution, alteration, postponement or cancellation of an event.
  • At this conference, photographs and videos may be taken by the event organiser for promotional and documentation purposes. By attending this conference, you grant permission for your image to be used in promotional materials such as brochures, websites, and social media by The Organiser; unless advised by you otherwise.
  • Should you require any assistance, feel free to contact us. For any enquiry, kindly contact the secretariat at