
Important Dates

Abstract Submission Deadline

30th April 2025

Notification of Acceptance/Rejection

1st June 2025

Publication Submission Deadline

14th June 2025

Submission Guidelines

Submission Process and General Info 

  • Authors must create user account and submit the abstract on the Conference Abstract Portal. Abstracts received through offline methods such as email, WhatsApp, or any other tool will not be considered by the scientific committee. 
  • More than one abstract can be submitted from one user account.  
  • Authors may indicate their preferred presentation format (oral or e-poster oral presentation); however, the final decision rests with the scientific committee after evaluation. 
  • The accuracy of the submitted abstract is the responsibility of the authors. Every effort will be made to publish the abstract exactly as submitted. Authors should prepare and proofread their abstracts carefully prior to submission. Errors made on your submitted abstract are likely to appear in print or online.
  • Inquiries about the abstract submission process can be directed to conference@dietitians.org.my

Category and Mode of Presentation

Category Mode of Presentation

Student Case Study

Oral & Poster Presentation

Student Research Study 

Oral & Poster Presentation

Dietitian Case Study

Oral & Poster Presentation

Dietitian/Postgraduate Research Paper

Oral & Poster Presentation

Innovation Showcase

Table Space

Abstract Content 

  • Abstract should be submitted as either Research, Case-study, or Innovation Showcase.  
  • Abstracts must be written in clear and concise English. 
  • Abstracts must be comprised of: 
    • Title 
    • Author Names: First name(s) and last name(s). Full names are required. 
    • Affiliation (only one), including country, of each author. 
    • Abstract Body 
  • Research Abstracts should be structured under Objective, Methodology, Results and Discussion, and Conclusion  
  • Case Study Abstract should be written in the Nutrition Care Process format including Nutrition Assessment, Nutrition Diagnosis, Nutrition Intervention and Nutrition Monitoring and Evaluation 
  • Innovation Showcase Abstract should be submitted as an executive summary of the invention in which it may describe what the invention is about, the problem sought to address, the level of innovation involved, as well as the invention's significance to improving nutrition care.   
  • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned. 
  • A maximum of 300 words (excluding the title, author(s) name and affiliation). 
  • Graphs, tables, and illustrations cannot be included in the abstract.

Presentation Guideline

All presenters must register before submitting the abstract. If an abstract is accepted and the presenter does not complete the registration and payment by 15th June 2025, the abstract will be withdrawn.

ePoster Display Guidelines:

  • All the ePoster will be displayed at the digital poster panel located at the poster area. 
  • Format: PDF 
  • Layout: Portrait Recommended size is a ratio of 9:16 with a resolution of 1920 px (Height) x 1080 px (Width). 
  • The poster must be written in the clear and concise English language. 
  • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned. 
  • Posters should be designed, such that titles, legends, graphs and illustrations can be easily read. 
  • Kindly produce and affix a recent headshot (passport sized) of the Author/s at the top right-hand corner of the poster. 
  • Use a minimum font size of 16 points (Approved fonts include: Arial, and Open Sans.)  
  • Provide clear labels or headings for each section of your presentation.   
  • Remember contrast. Put light-coloured fonts on dark backgrounds and dark-coloured fonts on light backgrounds so viewers can see your text.
  • Embed high-quality graphics. 
  • Avoid hyperlinks. Instead, incorporate a QR code into your presentation that will direct attendees to a website that contains more information about your poster and research. 
  • Sound is not permitted due to the open area in which posters are presented.   
  • For networking purposes, you may include your email address and contact information in the poster, allowing viewers to reach out for any inquiries. 

ePoster Oral Presentation Guidelines:

  • ePoster Oral Presentation slot – 5 minutes (3 minutes of presentation, 2 minutes of Q&A) 
  • Only the selected abstract for a poster presentation will be allocated a poster presentation slot. 
  • The presentation must be presented in the clear and concise English language. 
  • Presenter are required to present your ePoster to the judges and audience during the Poster RapidFire session.  
  • You are advised to adhere strictly to the time allocated. 

Oral Presentation Guideline:

  • Oral presentation slot – 10 minutes (8 minutes of presentation, 2 minutes of Q & A)  
  • Format: 16:9 PowerPoint slide (ppt or pptx file), other formats such as Keynote and Canva are not compatible.  
  • Layout: Landscape (1920 x 1080px)  
  • Font size:  Font size ranging from 26 to 32 (based on Arial font) for text.   
  • Font type: Avoid using special fonts or characters that are not included in the standard PowerPoint package, as this may lead to issues during file upload. You are advised to adhere strictly to the time allocated to avoid upsetting the scientific programme. 
  • The presentation must be presented in a clear and concise English language.   
  • Any abbreviations should be defined where first mentioned. 
  • You are advised to adhere strictly to the time allocated. 

Innovation Showcase Guideline:

  • There is no restriction in how the showcase of the project/item/service to be held so long it is being described in the abstract.
  • There's no limit to the number of paper authors, but only 2 participants may be presented on the showcase during the conference.