Technology for Assessing Students Competency

24 Jun 2019 15:00 15:30
Mahkota 2
Prof Vishna Devi Nadarajah Speaker


Assessment is integral to student learning and acts as quality assurance of achievement of graduate competencies. The educational framework for assessments are driven by the university learning philosophy, international standards and good governance however assessment implementation requires collaborative education management among faculty, students, examination office, e-learning, facilities management and IT. When technology is used to enhanced assessments processes and its outcomes for example student competencies, both educational framework and collaborative education management need alignment and prioritization. 

Technology can be used to enhance students competencies summatively, to ensure the student’s learning outcomes are achieved before progression or formatively, in helping students evaluate their current learning and further strengthen future learning. Technology can help improve assessment blueprinting, the turnaround time for result processing, audit trail, psychometric analysis and providing feedback based on learning outcomes.
There are, however, some common education management challenges that form barriers to implementation using technology for assessing students competencies.  IMU’s experience with the design and co-development of an online assessment system (OAS) will be shared in this symposia. Tips for educators suggest the need for continuous stakeholder feedback and engagement, to ensure that the users’ requirements are met. For sustainability of implementation continuous training and support for stakeholders with resource allocation are also necessary.

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