Glycoleap: Digital Therapeutics - Personalised Care Beyond the Hospital and Clinics

23 Jun 2019 11:00 11:30
Mr Georgen Thye Speaker

In 2017, approximately 425 million adults (20-79 years) were living with diabetes worldwide; by 2045 this will rise to 629 million. Although lifestyle modification can be effective for reducing the risks for complications of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), traditional lifestyle interventions are often difficult to administer in the primary care setting due to limited resources. Mobile health apps can address these limitations by offering low-cost, adaptable, and accessible platforms for disseminating lifestyle management interventions. GlycoLeap (Holmusk), is a mobile lifestyle management program for people with T2DM, comprises a comprehensive T2DM educational curriculum delivered through online lessons and the Glyco mobile phone app with a health coaching feature. According to a 6-month (24-week) study conducted on 100 T2DM patients using Glycoleap, statistically significant improvements were observed for HbA1c (–1.3 percentage points, P<.001) and weight (2.3% reduction in baseline weight, P<.001). These results suggest that GlycoLeap may be an effective strategy for helping some adults with T2DM attain better diabetic control and that it is feasible to integrate it within the primary care setting. 

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